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Customer Testimonials

"SH Consulting provided an immediate solution, they quickly established and documented our strategy in one page, converted our discussions into financial projections and put together a succinct presentation that we use to put in front of investors."

- Jacob Simonsen, CEO, Groove Group Limited

“ We were extremely pleased with the Consultancy provided by Steve for Howick Ltd’s Growth Grant application to Callaghan Innovation. Steve has been very resourceful in reviewing, setting up the procedures, guiding our staff and submitting the application. He asked the right questions and really listened to our answers to ensure that he was meeting our needs. We thank Steve for continually providing us support”

- Bruce Coubray, Managing Director, Howick Limited

"What a great team to work with. SH Consulting worked with us to deliver our Strategic Plan into numbers that we could then present to Funding Partners, to enable us to launch our Cloud Based Infrastructure into the wider SE Asian market. We continue to use their services for ongoing consulting as we grow."

- John Duncan,Managing Director, Cloud Time Communication

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